It’s crazy to think our sweet Ellie will be 9 Thursday! I’m trying to stick to Tuesday and Friday blogging so her post is happening today😊

She was born on Fathers Day 2009.

Her middle name is Grace and she lived up to it then and still does. She was such a content baby and now gives us all the grace when we fail her, or mess up (it happens a lot but as a first child this girl forgives a lot from us).

Ellie turns 1!

This girl loves big! She wears her heart on her sleeve and loves to love people. She is loyal to her friends, and is always looking to be a friend to someone who needs one. She is also super content and easy to please. And the most important thing about her, is her love for Jesus.

Her Birthday request this year, to go to Build A Bear. Our easy to please girl😉

Last year, we decided to do even year birthday parties, so every other year both girls get a party. Other years, we make a big deal about it at home and have cake, presents, Birthday breakfast, etc. Listen, we love to have parties for our kids, but if we arnt careful the stress, planning, and hustle of it all can steal our joy.

Happy Early Birthday Sweet Girl! We are loving watching you grow💗