Hey friends! We’ve made it through our first week of school over here! No one judge that it’s really only been a half week of school please, because it’s felt like a full one.

I’m linking up today with AndreaNarci and Erika to share favorites.

We don’t back to school shop really for clothes, but instead let the girls’ pick a new outfit for the first day of school.  They typically will wear summer clothes well into September, so we shop for new clothes closer to fall.  Avery wanted a “pencil dress” and just had to have one. So a google search lead me to hers. Ellie is super into astronomy (incase you couldn’t tell;) so she chose her outfit, and her shoes are here. I thought they were so her and cute when I grabbed them! She says they are comfortable too.

I was at Aldi yesterday and came across these plants. I think the pot is so cute, and we are hoping I can keep it alive. Not like that fiddle leaf in the above picture.


Another favorite, summer lunches with Brandon. We are sad to see these go, but now we get kid free lunch dates again which is nice too.

We hit the splash park last Saturday for one last bit of summer fun. It wasn’t super crowded which is always a favorite. We all left sleepy and sunkissed and had the best time.

That’s it for today! Have a great weekend friends!