Today I’m sharing a date night idea. I don’t know the last time Brandon and I had a date outside of an at home one. In a non Covid world, we really didn’t go on dates either and all dates typically consisted of take out after the kids were in bed. Many reasons for this, schedules and we are very limited on sitters are the big ones, but really we both prefer being cozy at home over going out for a date anyways. Our motto is make it work and that’s just what we do:) 

So the other night when it was our Anniversary we decided to do a couples canvas at home. 

We paint with the kids randomly for holidays etc, but have seen couples date nights when the two canvas pieces line up. We took a shot at it and the result is above. Not professionals, or even close but it was still fun. We googled to find the image, but there are many to choose from. 

Let me know in the comments how you guys do date nights!