It’s a great Monday at our house today. Avery turns 11 and as I look back down memory lane, it’s so bitter sweet. I say it all the time, but we love our big kid era and it’s just been some of the sweetest years with both girls. Though I also miss the sweet baby in these pictures…..

I feel like I would be doing a dis-service to not give a health update for her each year her Birthday rolls around. Our sweet community prayed for our girl (and us) through some of her worst days of illness in those earlier years. And now, she is thriving. If you didn’t know, she was born with a hereditary blood disorder, and due to that, had a blood transfusion at 21 days old. She had a splenectomy at age 7, and has really thrived since.
Here’s 11 fun facts for you…
- She loves ice cream. Loves it. Hates almost anything sweet, with Ice Cream being the exception.
- She loves Christmas, and always has. Everything single thing about it.
- She cares deeply and with a huge heart. She is constantly talking about how to help someone.
- She is always drawing. always
- She is lucky. All the time. Wins at mostly everything.
- She still demands to be tucked in. Every night. Like will go to bed early if she knows we are because she “has to be tucked in”
- She is our quick whit child. And usually nothing gets by her.
- She’s been tumbling non stop lately.
- She loves to shop and also is content to browse stores.
- She’s our lefty. And I never realized the difference this makes crafting, at resturants etc. But it can get complicated. Ha.
- Her Birthday meal request is MOD pizza, and well who would complain about that;)

Happy Birthday Avery Joy!
We love you lots.