Happy Friday! We’ve been so busy I haven’t blogged in a month. So it’s back to regular scheduled programming this week;)

School ended for this girl almost a month ago already. Her freshman year flew by and this fall comes drivers ed. How did we get here?

Avery wrapped up 4th grade and is excited to be a 5th grader next year…

Ellie got her first real volunteer job this summer! She has volunteered for my work for the last couple of years, but this one is a few times a week and we are calling it more like job shadowing to see if that’s eventually a career path she’d want to choose. She filled out the forms and took initiative and we couldn’t be prouder.

It’s campfire season:) We camped a few weekends ago and hope to do it lots more this summer.

Summer, right;) All the late nights caught up to this one…

So a few weeks ago you could see the Northern Lights from our area. How Amazing is this…

We went to see IF in the theater last week. It was cute!

That’s it for now. Have the best weekend!