Happy Friday!

I’m playing catch up again here because it’s summer and I can’t pull it together to routinely get the blog updated. Better luck in the fall…maybe;)

We celebrated a Birthday girl a few weeks ago and had the best day. doing the things she loves.

A few Sundays ago we headed to a local beach and it was the best way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

I took these girls to a fun library event this week…

They got to paint their squishmellows.

And, while we were there, we got to see our worker girl too:)

We’ve been camping, and what’s better than watching Jurassic Park in the woods:)

Brandon took Av out kayaking for the first time the other day, and originally she really just wanted to “dress” the part and pack the snacks because that’s who she is, but by the end she was a big fan.

Avery had her annual checkup last week at Childrens and it always takes me back to the appointments when she was a newborn. They were some of the scariest days of our lives and I’m just so thankful for her great health now. She’s thriving and even graduated to every 2 year appointments.

*Also, just the bravest girl with the lab draws throughout the years. God will equip all our kids with what they need and he knew she needed bravery in her for sure.

And fireworks on the 4th of course…

Hope you have a great weekend!