Happy Friday! Last weekend was the High School Musical and this year it was Mammma Mia. If I’m being honest (and with an upopular opinion;) we don’t like the movie. At. All. But, I knew the play would be better, becasues they are always great and it was. It was a long weekend supporting our favorite ensemble member, but even … Read More


Ellie turns 14 today! It’s wild, and bittersweet at the same time. She’s the kind of friend you want on your side, and will be a friend to just about anyone who needs one. She likes Bocce Ball (and to beat her parents at it;) She still loves reading and lego. Loves Hot Air Balloons. She’s a big fan of … Read More


Happy Friday! It’s no secret we have a girl who loves to read around here (and the other is a work in progress but we are finally getting somewhere!) I thought today we’d change it up and I’d let Ellie guest write for me (she did all the summaries herself and I just added the images/links). If your looking for … Read More


Well, that escalated quickly. Brandon and I are now parents of a teenager! Ellie has really gotten to big kid status on us in the last year or so, and so far we are loving her current stage of life. I know it will change and can get worse at some point…because teenagers, but right now it’s a pretty sweet … Read More


It’s our last day of school! We are all excited about it. Nothing makes me happier than getting all that time together each summer. The best feeling. I’m linking up today with Andrea and Erika to share some favorites from this week. Up first, awards for Ellie. Going back to school in person this year was rough for her. I won’t give … Read More


Happy Friday! I’m linking up today with Andrea  and Erika to share favorites from the last week or so which will all be about the school chorus/band trip Ellie and I went on. When we first heard of the trip, it was scheduled for Mothers Day weekend, and Brandon insisted I go as a chaperone to get to spend some time with … Read More


Hey friends!! I’m finally back with working internet, and switching it up today to scream HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE!! Our sweet girl turns 10 today, which is crazy to believe! How does Brandon & I have a child that’s 10! She’s pumped about it being her day, and has it planned out just the way she wants it. We were at … Read More