Hey Hey!

I thought I’d change it up and do a bit of a life update/3 things today since it’s been a bit since I’ve updated.

  1. Ellie has went full teenager mode on us in the blink of an eye. This child is BUSY! Her schedule keeps me in the car waiting in a parking lot most days;)
  2. At school, she recently was invited to join BETA club (so proud of her for this as it’s partially character based) and still in chorus. She also has found a love for Bocce Ball and played in a middle school league this fall with a friend after school. She even beat a team of all boys just this week:) It was a fun win to watch.
  3. She is heading to her first middle school dance soon. Do you guys remember how awkward school dances were in middle school?

  1. Avery is thriving health wise are we are so thankful for that! We are almost 2 years post surgery and it was one of the best decisions we made for her. We are all a bit bummed her scars are disappearing though, she use to have a smiley face shape of them:)
  2. She is doing good in school. She has some great new friends, and seems to be being a good friend as well. Always chatty and always getting in trouble for it. But it is what it is I think. Picking battles over here.
  3. Avery has found a love for reading in the last month or 2. We worked hard on getting to this point but now she finally will say, “I’m going to bed to read”.

  1. Brandon is in his last year of college for his degree. He is still making games to sell for Christmas gifts and preparing for a market we are vendoring at soon. All while working full time and helping a middle schooler with math homework. He’s so busy but handling it all so well. These days won’t last forever is what we keep saying.
  2. I am working part time still for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Southern Illinois. They host after school Bible clubs at our local public schools and other Bible clubs in the summer as well. We have 16 clubs happening and the best volunteers ever! This job has been such a blessing to allow me to have flexibility in my hours and still make family first.
  3. The Dogs! They are living their best lives sleeping all day and finally can lay within 2 feet of each other and not loose their minds. They play together more now and we are thankful they entertain each other.


So that’s the latest on us! Now I’m off to get a movie night planned. Have a good weekend!